Lumley Broker Connectivity

Lumley needed to keep broker policy and claims processing costs down. They asked Practiv to design Lumley Broker Connectivity, a system to submit quotes to bind and issue insurance policies using a B2B document exchange.

Practiv designed and implemented Lumley Broker Connectivity — a set of Web Services that supported a browser-based interface for registered insurance brokers to request quote submissions and issue policies for customers.

Broker Connectivity manages the life-cycle of the Quote and Issue Policy processes, and provides a link between Lumley SBT Underwriters and Broker Agencies.

The interface enabled Brokers to eliminate duplicate data entry steps, reducing the effort required to resell wholesale insurance products and services.

Lumley was able to automate much of the business process associated with broker policies and claims, which drove down administrative overhead while increasing the quality and integrity of the data.
Lumley was one of New Zealand’s largest general insurance companies, acquired by IAG.