Integrating and modernising systems for InterCity

As InterCity delivers better experiences for customers, drivers and support staff, Practiv helps InterCity drive its business outcomes, from architecture to software delivery and support.

InterCity can plan and prioritise capital investment in transformation projects, and see clear delivery against stated objectives. By partnering with Practiv, the company can scale investment in change up or down, without needing to be a technology company.

The company’s technology stack includes a wide range of well known vendors — from SAP to Microsoft — each performing its own distinct role for the business, and each requiring custom integration with ResNet, the company’s self-developed reservation system.

Practiv delivers a full suite of services:

Business Insight
  • Business Objectives — Practiv engages with the internal InterCity team on a weekly basis to define business objectives, scope and size the epics that will deliver to those objectives
  • Project management — Practiv defined and implemented Agile patterns and tools, which the entire company has embraced, increasing communication and change, while minimising the number systems required (It’s takes time to convince accountants to use Asana, but when they do, they manage todo lists like a boss)
Practiv Build
  • Build Pipeline — Practiv’s Continuous Integration, Testing and Delivery environments and patterns allow rapid deployment
  • Teaming Arrangement — Practiv engages on a per-project basis, reporting to enterprise budget constraints within the Agile methodology
  • Software Delivery —  We continue to deliver integrations between the various software systems for InterCity. We have recently designed and delivered APIs to grow B2B revenue, integrations to SAP to increase business insight, and integrations to Dynamics CRM to give InterCity a single view of their customers to support Sales, Marketing and Operational workflows
Practiv Run
  • Run Platform — Practiv’s enterprise-scale, containerised deployment model down to the operating system, providing isolation and independent management of each micro-service
  • Cloud Infrastructure — Practiv manages InterCity’s AWS infrastructure, and implements modern services in AWS
  • Long term support - 24x7 response to any change in application, container or server performance
InterCity can focus on better customer experiences, and profitable business relationships, knowing systems can be adjusted to deliver desired outcomes.

InterCity operates New Zealand’s largest bus network, and ferries and cruises in the Bay of Islands.